
1st Grade Math Gold Standards

·         Describe numbers between 10 and 100 in groups of tens and ones.
·         Read, write, and represent whole numbers up to 120.       
·         Count, with and without objects, forward from any number up to 120.
·         Find a number that is 10 more or 10 less than any number up to 120.
·         Compare and order whole numbers up to 100.
·         Show and solve addition and subtraction problems.
·         Add and subtract numbers to 12.       
·         Count by 2s to 50, count by 5s to 120, and count by 10s to 200.
·         Create patterns, identify possible rules to compare & extend patterns.
·         Determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are equal.    
·         Use addition and subtraction facts to answer a story problem.
·         Tell time to the hour and half-hour.
·         Identify name and value of four coins; find the value of a group of coins (except quarters) up to one dollar.